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Systematic Review: Is the evidence useful? – Making sense of results
Aims for the critical appraisal of systematic reviews with meta-analysis (0:47)
Interpretation of the results of a systematic review with meta-analysis (0:56)
Section 1: Understanding the overall results of the systematic review with meta-analysis
Understanding the overall results of the systematic review with meta-analysis: Main concerns (1:16)
Appropriateness of the effect measures used by the researchers Lesson (5:33)
Magnitude and favourability of the effect (5:52)
Statistical significance and clinical or public health importance (3:40)
Confidence in the effect estimate (2:53)
Summary of steps in the interpretation of commonly used measures of effect size (26:52)
Section 2: Understanding how the results can be influenced by methodological issues in the design and conduct of the systematic review with meta-analysis
The five quality markers in the critical appraisal of systematic reviews with meta-analysis (2:40)
A clearly formulated research question (2:29)
Systematic and explicit methods to identify and select the relevant primary research studies for inclusion in the systematic review (11:28)
Risk-of-bias or quality assessment of the individual primary research studies in a systematic review with meta-analysis (8:29)
Appropriate extraction and presentation of the information/data from individual primary research studies (3:08)
Appropriate statistical methods for meta-analysis (10:35)
Sensitivity analysis (7:19)
Summary of main methodological issues and how they influence interpretation (3:03)
Section 3: Making a judgement about the relevance of the results in your setting
Making a judgement about the relevance of the results in your setting (7:16)
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